As expected, after the scandal exploded, 

his image is very different 


1. [+216, -31] I came in thinking it was a joke, but it’s true. Why does it look so ugly?

2. [+142, -13] Oh, you guys are picking pictures that have been fully edited, hahaha


3. [+130, -4] But something really felt off... Regardless of the controversy


4. [+41, -44] Wow, he must have been having a hard time..


5. [+28, -26] You can criticize the behavior, but it's not a personal attack, is it? As we demand high moral standards from celebrities, I think the same should apply to the public.


6. [+19, -2] If you watch a lot of cruel and desolate animations, you become agitated...

7. [+13 -6] He could just write a statement and it would be over, but I don't know why he's diving in. Let's apologize over the weekend and end it


8. [+6 -5]  What has changed? If you look at today’s photos, everyone is handsome. Just think about it


9. [+3 -6] It seems like he just lost weight


10. [+2, -7] Is he going to the military soon?


Source: (1)

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