'Height, body, face, personality, skills, nothing is missing.'   



1. [+76, -1] He is the most alpha male of the 4 generations. His face is pretty

2. [+52, -0] If you look at the overall specifications of the 4th generation male idols, Sungchan is unrivaled. Just looking at him... he hasn't just made his name known as the top 4th generation male idol yet, there doesn't seem to be anyone like him


3. [+52, -1] His skin is also good... I'm amazed when I see the skin care commercial


4. [+44, -0] He's very friendly and polite, but he doesn't seem like an easy person. He seems strong and confident in a good way. I like Sungchan's personality more than his face


5. [+36, -0] Among the current generation of idols, he has a fairly rare and genuine style


6. [+26, -0] It's really touching... During a fan signing, when a fan told Seongchan that they would make him successful, he replied that as long as he has fans, he doesn't need success, as long as he has Breeze (fandom name). Later, in an interview, he reiterated the same sentiment. Whether it's 100 or 50 fans, he's grateful for anyone who watches his performancesㅜㅜ


7. [+25, -0] He kind of looks like Song Kang's cousin

8. [+24, -1] I honestly think the name also plays a part.. Damn, it’s a handsome name

9. [+22, -0] He communicates diligently, tries not to cause misunderstandings in the first place, and doesn't lack anything in his skills, looks, and personality... Sungchan, the more I get to know you, the more I love you

10. [+21, -0] There is probably no other male idol with a better image than him (of course, this is an exaggeration). He is tall, has a strong personality, and more than anything, he is pretty and handsome, but he is more dignified and mature than I thought.


Source: (1)

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